Disrupting LinkedIn posts with a little humor for the holidays


LinkedIn covid-19 doing business

I tried to bring a little humor to LinkedIn during this COVID-19 pandemic holiday

And surprisingly, it did better than I thought. I find LinkedIn hard to grasp at times, it seems like everyone's getting 1000's of awards or being promoted beyond their "wildest dreams". I know it's a layered digital skin to get a specific look for the next level up in a career. But I'm still here with my partner doing the best we can and holding on to a dream that never seems to be shattered by anything. Just like cousin Eddie above, keeping it real no matter how much $%& gets thrown at us. I went through some of my favorite holiday movies and used those images to post reflections on the present and past business experiences.


LinkedIn dogs at the office

LinkedIn is a place to put your best or worst work forward to be judged by others.

The truth is most of the people I am connected with I have most likely never met or will never meet. We put our work out there to for gratitude or crickets. Edward Scissors' hands I can profoundly relate to. A little odd, underestimated, and hidden creative with serious talent. I have struggled in the past to properly describe some of the work we have done because I thought the work should speak for itself. 


LinkedIn past christmas parties before covid-19

Was it a terrible year for business? Well, yes and no.

Our design studio, www.pixelbyinch.com, has been hustling since 2005. Nothing lifestyle-wise has changed much, except going to the store and trying to figure out where the hell all the toilet paper and sanitizer wipes went. Before we started our studio I distinctly remember some office parties back in the corporate world that was total chaos like the Gremlins in the bar, good times, crazy times! Thank god social media was not alive during that time.

great ideas

LinkedIn past dreams I forgot haunting me

How many times have I exclaimed, "This year we are going to do this, and then we are going to do that".

The business world can be very unforgiving at times. Some of the best ideas have fallen by the waste side in order to take care of the project at hand. These past ghosts always coming haunting during December as a reminder, "hey remember me?". Yes, yes I do, please go away.

zoom stress

LinkedIn Zoom Camera & Snacks

Online video meetings stressed me out in the beginning.

In normal meetings, people meet in a place that is neutral, an office or non-living space. Online video is invasive and a direct portal into my personal room where I conduct business. I am not ashamed of my space but it's still a small slice of my private space. I had to learn to let myself mentally go and just remember, I am being hired to do the job for my knowledge, not my room. Double-check, wait no, triple check and make sure there are no crumbs on my face.

brain overload

LinkedIn client says i'm chipper on conference call

I can be very high energy.

I'm very excited about work and my passion can get ramp up real fast. That can be a bit much for some and yet refreshing for others. I am not just excited about working, I truly enjoy engaging with people. If I can get someone to laugh or even just chuckle, then I feel I've made an impact and their day might be a little brighter. Laughter is the only thing that can really change the environment. Yes, I get down and frustrated like everyone else, but my brain is always searching for the silver liner of some weird thing to bring it back to a lighter layer. Elf, I truly envy your character and I've always thought of you as a great role model.

try again?

LinkedIn no one said the conference was canceled

I am wishing this year is better than the last for everyone

But with everything we all went through, it would be nice to have a year that just was kind of monotonous. Maybe a little less drinking would be good too. There are times everyone can relate to being a Misfit Toys and feeling abandoned by the real world. I have found that Misfit Island is only a temporary set back. Eventually, we all find our ways to get off the island, and possibly the time we spent there helps us better understand ourselves.

Sending you a little smile with a dash of enthusiasm.

Happy New Year from us at Pixel by Inch.

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